Wednesday, 1 August 2012


(EN) I have a big flaw in terms of clothing: I buy tons of clothes and then they stand thrown in the closet without seeing the daylight. For example, I purchased the skirt from this post a year ago and I removed the label only yesterday. I was plesantly surprised to see how easily it is combined with a wide range of colours, how feminine it looks and especially how many compliments it got from my boyfriend.

(RO) Am un mare defect în ceea ce privește îmbrăcămintea: cumpăr haine la kg ca mai apoi, bietele de ele, să stea aruncate în dulap fără sa mai vadă lumina zilei. Fusta din această postare, spre exemplu, am achiziționat-o acum un an în urmă și abia ieri i-am scos 
eticheta. Am fost plăcut surprinsă să văd cât de ușor se combină cu o mare gamă de culori, cât de feminină e și mai ales câte complimente a strâns de la iubitul meu. 

H&M t-shirt
Stradivarius skirt
H&M flats
Casio watch

Ciao, ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mariana! Love your outfits!
    Can you tell the watch reference??
    Is it the Casio Gold Plated Ladies Alarm Digital???
